On Losing Meaning

On Losing Meaning, 2021. Robotics petroleum jelly, wax, graphite and pigment.

A word searching for its meaning. As the form traverses a performative space, it moves freely, creating its own marks as it loses its original form, reading and meaning. Through this, the artist invites audiences to consider notions of fluidity and rigidity within the interpretation of text, and the power of mark-making in the birth of new transformative landscapes of meaning.

Muhannad Shono on losing meaning saudi art artist robotic work
On Losing Meaning, Muhannad Shono, 2021
On Losing Meaning, Muhannad Shono, 2021
Robotic sculpture, Saudi artist muhannad shono tech art

The sculptural machine was created in collaboration with the robotics work of Benjamin Panreck and technologist Noah Feehan. Original audio composition by soledxb, is a collaborative composition titled, Chasing the Sun's Shadow, and was created and composed by Orbital Patterns, Quintin Christian, and Rajat Malhotra, using modular synthesis, organic found sounds, and audio excerpts of conversations with the artist.

Audio mastering: Audioanimals.

Curated by Philip Tinari & Wejdan Reda

Commissioned by the Diriyah Biennale Foundation